
Opinion: Trump is sorely mistaken if he thinks Americans will thank him for gutting Obamacare

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To the editor: Whom is President Trump kidding? Anyone who has been around the block a few times is well aware that one’s health is precarious and unpredictable, and it can catch you off guard. (“Trump issues order to deregulate health insurance, promising relief from Obamacare,” Oct. 12)

For Trump to have the audacity to declare his health plan would “increase access to lower-priced, high-quality healthcare options,” and that “people will have a great, great healthcare,” is unbelievable. High-quality and lower-price do not go together.

The individual insurance mandate and regulations on what kinds of policies people can buy are about getting every American into the health insurance pool. For Trump to tout his action as creating cheaper plans that are “great” borders on lying, and he is not kidding the American people.


We know our health status can change in the blink of an eye, even for those who believe they are healthy. Insurance must be comprehensive. One’s health is a prime example of the unknowns for which people buy insurance.

Diane Welch, Cypress


To the editor: The Trump administration is just an extension of the Republican Party’s continued inability to stand for anything positive.


Trump has spent most of his nearly nine months in office trying to repeal the things that President Obama implemented. His and the Republicans’ idea of getting something done is to do away with anything that smacks of Obama.

What a lost opportunity for them to have done something positive on infrastructure, improving the Affordable Care Act, opening markets to Asia and South America or addressing the high cost of college.

Obama is no longer president. Move on, Republicans.

Lou Rosen, Pacific Palisades



To the editor: I wonder if our president understands that with his latest actions on healthcare, he has transformed Obamacare into Trumpcare, with all the baggage that carries.

Bill Deaver, Mojave

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