
Opinion: At the U.N., Trump showed his total unfitness for U.S. presidency

President Trump addressed the United Nations General Assembly for the first time on Sept. 19, 2017.
President Trump addressed the United Nations General Assembly for the first time on Sept. 19, 2017.
(Drew Angerer / Getty Images)
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To the editor: President Trump’s speech to the United Nations again illustrates his arrogance, ignorance and disregard for what is really at stake on the world stage. (“In first U.N. speech, Trump derides Kim Jong Un as ‘Rocket Man’ and threatens to ‘totally destroy’ North Korea,” Sept. 19)

His referring to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un as “Rocket Man” is irresponsible. His continuous bullying tactics put the world at risk for another war. This man has clearly shown on many occasions that he does not have the ability to be an effective leader, and yet in the White House he stays.

The United States is much better than what the world sees and what we are allowing to continue.


Doris K. Reed, Los Angeles


To the editor: Now is a time of great anxiety, with North Korea threatening to destroy the U.S. and Iran threatening Israel.

And yet, The Times tells us that Trump insulted Kim. Certainly this should cause a “stir,” since we have a nuclear-armed dictator threatening to destroy us; and certainly it should cause a “buzz” when Trump warns that parts of the world “are going to hell,” as they are in places such as Iran and Venezuela.


Trump gave a speech that was totally honest regarding the state of the world and of the United Nations. The president did not deliver insults; rather, he told us what we all know — that Kim is a dangerous person who runs concentration camps and threatens other nations with nuclear annihilation.

No, the president did not threaten. The real threats come from Iran and from North Korea.

Christiane Shertz, Torrance


To the editor: Years from now the Trump administration will be seen for what it is: the buffoon presidency. His name will be synonymous with total incompetence.


But should Trump manage to use nuclear weapons, his very name would go down with Attila the Hun or Adolf Hitler. He would be known forever as a curse upon humanity.

If so, the only people who could have stopped him, the Republican Party, will be reduced to a footnote in history that cites the irony of having produced both the greatest American president and the worst.

Sam Platts, Sylmar


To the editor: How can it be that this man, who never served a moment in the military, would give such a threatening speech at the United Nations?

When will it be enough to get Trump out of office? I have had it, and others who feel the same way should tell their representatives in Congress.

Carol Marshall, Placentia



To the editor: At the United Nations, Trump said, “Major portions of the world are in conflict and some, in fact, are going to hell.”

He’s right. And many of those portions are in the United States.

Barry Cutler, Palm Desert

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