
Opinion: Who really has ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’? Not his critics, readers say

President Trump speaks during a meeting with Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds in the Oval Office of the White House on May 6.
(Associated Press)
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It’s an affliction diagnosed most often by the president’s supporters: Trump Derangement Syndrome, and apparently, it’s an epidemic among those who write unflatteringly of the commander in chief.

The most recent diagnosis came on the May 6 letters page, from a reader reacting to a news article on the president’s “empathy deficit” who said the L.A. Times “can’t give the guy a break.” Letter writers who criticize the president have long been responding dismissively to claims they suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome (recent examples of which can also be found here and here), and the May 6 example drew particularly pointed replies.

Yorba Linda resident Carl Falletta recommends a defense against Trump Derangement Syndrome:


Although I’m not an attorney, I’d like to offer some legal advice to the Los Angeles Times regarding the persistent allegation that it engages in the crime of expressing its Trump Derangement Syndrome. In order to pacify many of your readers, some of whom have complained about feeling nauseous reading the paper, I suggest the following:

First, throw journalistic integrity out the highest window of the L.A. Times building and stop printing factual information about Trump and his administration.

Second, stop reporting on all the bizarre, incompetent and dangerous things Trump himself says and does.


Third, report only on the good things Trump has accomplished during his presidency. This third suggestion will no doubt result in real cost savings for The Times, as there will be little or nothing to print.

You’re welcome.

William Elmelund of West Hollywood wonders who’s really deranged:

If someone would say, “That person is deranged — he says I can’t fly by flapping my arms, but I can,” we know which of the two is deranged.


So with that in mind, I do believe Trump Derangement Syndrome is real, just not the way that those who bandy it about believe.

Not being a psychiatrist or a psychologist, I cannot address the pathology of why some Trump supporters believe he is doing a great job and are desperate to have people say he is doing a great job when the factual evidence says otherwise.

Kim Hemphill of South Riding, Va., accepts the finding of Trump Derangement Syndrome:

I have several issues with the letter about giving Trump a break on his lack of empathy.

First, I don’t think anyone is expecting the president to travel around the country to show empathy. He could do that by sitting in the Oval Office if he were so inclined, which he clearly is not.

Second, the right wing loves to trot out the “Trump Derangement Syndrome” meme. Well, I confess, I absolutely do have that syndrome as it is completely justified by this man’s deplorable incompetence and morally reprehensible behavior.

As for this president “leading” a federal response to this pandemic, don’t get me started.
