
Letters to the Editor: With Kamala Harris as VP pick, expect Trump to go full dictator against Joe Biden

Sen. Kamala Harris hugs former Vice President Joe Biden at a March 9 campaign rally in Detroit.
(Jeff Kowalsky / AFP)
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To the editor: Joe Biden’s selection of Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) for vice president is a fine and logical one. But let’s not be naive here: The current resident of the White House and his minions are not about to lose this election.

Trump’s attempt to thwart the voting process is only one of his brazen assaults on our liberty and we may well see strategies such as this reaping success in November.

There is a correlation between this president’s behavior and that of autocrats such as Russian President Vladimir Putin, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko, who have, with enormous temerity, remained in office for years.


We must be ever-vigilant to prevent Trump from doing the same.

Anneke Mendiola, Santa Ana


To the editor: As a moderate Republican who does not support Trump, I was dismayed by Biden’s selection of Harris as his running mate.

In order to beat Trump, Biden needs crossover Republican voters like me, and his VP choice should have been aimed at us. Harris is the antithesis of this — she has been an aggressive campaigner and the biggest critic of Biden in the Democratic primary.


As a Californian, I have not felt that Harris has placed the state’s interests ahead of her own ambitions. This does not bode well for a Harris vice presidency or a stable Biden presidency. In my view, there were so many better choices available.

I wish Biden luck in his bid, but I am not as hopeful as I was a few days ago.

Vince Vassallo, Rolling Hills Estates


To the editor: Not surprisingly, Trump’s first reaction to Harris’ vice presidential candidacy was that she is “nasty” and “disrespectful.” Those pejoratives boomerang to reveal his own personal traits.


Trump either exploits women or disparages and disrespects them. He treats people of color as inferior and immigrants as a danger to this country.

As the daughter of immigrants, I cheer Biden’s choice of Harris, who is smart, passionate about justice and able to respond to barbs with dignity and self-assurance. She is a role model to girls and women who aspire to equal opportunity and treatment in this white male-dominated culture.

Lenore Navarro Dowling, Los Angeles


To the editor: I am a lifetime Democrat who believes strongly in what the party stands for, and I am stunned by Biden’s selection of Harris.

Did we learn nothing from 2016? Did we not understand that Trump’s victory was a loud and clear message that the Democratic Party had neglected the middle of the country and lost touch with it? We are running two candidates from either coast and we somehow think that is a winning strategy?

Trump is a disaster, but he did provide a teachable moment. Issues facing the “red states” are real and need to be addressed by someone who understands and has skin in that game. We have failed at that.


Kathryn Russell, Long Beach


To the editor: Harris could shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue, and I would still vote for her and Biden.

Craig Zerouni, Los Angeles
