Letters to the Editor: Eggnog in June, anyone? Let’s move Christmas to a less deadly time of year

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To the editor: As I hunker down in total isolation, I have a suggestion for all those who are (like myself) chafing at not being able to be with family for Christmas this year. (“Dire COVID warnings go unheeded as many insist on Christmas traditions; officials fear new surge,” Dec. 22)
We have moved holidays around in the past; this year, we should move Christmas. I won’t be celebrating “Jewish Christmas” in a Chinese restaurant this year, visiting my grandkids or attending my nieces’ annual Christmas brunch.
I suggest we all look to June 25 and celebrate Jesus’ half-birthday. By then, hopefully, most of us will be vaccinated, hospitals will resume normal operations, stores will be open, and we will truly have a reason to celebrate.
Eggnog in June sounds just fine to me.
Barbara Rosen, Fullerton
To the editor: In view of the current COVID-19 crisis, which is probably the result of ill-advised Thanksgiving gatherings, my family is now busy planning our “Christmas in July.”
We’re menu-planning, guest-room preparing, Secret Santa arranging and online shopping, all in preparation for a new holiday tradition next summer.
On Dec. 25 I plan to enjoy a steak dinner all alone, feeling very proud of myself.
Meredith Brucker, Arcadia
To the editor: For me, as one of only two Jews in my grade at my New York public school in the 1960s, Christmas was a season of exclusion.
I did not embrace the concept of one magical 24-hour period where we act like a bunch of gorgeous, multiethnic folks on a hilltop teaching the world to sing and buying everyone a Coke. As a Jew I was raised to believe that kindness and goodwill are essential to every day of our lives.
At the turn of the millennium, I met my Irish Catholic wife. Thanks to her and her welcoming family, Christmas finally meant inclusion.
Which brings us to Christmas 2020. With the pandemic, there will be smaller gatherings, but the holiday can still be a blessing. This could be the Christmas that provides people with the opportunity for quiet reflection, thankfulness for the good things they have, and prayers for those who have suffered because of the pandemic.
It is also a chance to look toward next year with renewed hope for our country. So to my friends of all faiths (or lack thereof), merry Christmas and be careful, because the future will be brighter than the past.
Ken Ferber, Westlake Village
To the editor: If holiday travel is expected to cause a surge in COVID-19 cases, I don’t understand why much of the transportation system isn’t shut down. Why not close airports, bus terminals and train stations?
If we are serious about this situation, we should be taking serious steps to address it.
Wayne April, Pasadena
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