
Letters to the Editor: How principled conservatives can crush Trump’s Republican Party

Donald Trump
Former President Trump speaks at the annual convention of the North Carolina Republican Party in Greenville, N.C., on June 5.
(Associated Press)
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To the editor: The Times’ White House editor Jackie Calmes paints a frightening picture of the GOP’s rightward lurch.

The danger to our democracy seems even more acute if we combine Republican radicalization with the barrage of voter suppression measures taking effect or about to take effect in many states. Senate Bill 1 and any other legislation in Congress to correct this appear dead in the water.

But there is a solution: Cut down the power of former President Trump’s Republican Party by diluting its vote. This can be done by establishing a “New Republican Party” that provides a haven for principled conservatives disgusted with Trump and the present state of his GOP.


It does not matter whether or not this new party qualifies for the ballot in all 50 states in 2024. If just 5% or 10% of registered Republicans leave their party, it may be enough.

We have a democracy to save.

Robert M. Fox, Los Angeles


To the editor: Calmes misses one important point — the Republican Party no longer looks like America.

In 1960, the U.S. census classified almost 89% of Americans as white. In 2019, nearly 40% of us were Latino, Black, Asian or Native American.


About 91% of House Republicans are white, reflecting the makeup of the “old” America. The Democratic members, meanwhile, are about 46% nonwhite, resembling the “new” America. Young Americans today believe in fighting climate change, making healthcare a right and not a privilege, and in making college affordable for all students.

Republicans have lost the popular vote in seven of the last eight presidential elections. They will continue to do so unless they start talking about the issues that are important to who we are as a people today.

John Perez, North Hollywood
