
Letters to the Editor: This July 4, voting rights and American democracy are on life support

Protestors in Philadelphia on Nov. 5 hold banners denouncing efforts to limit vote counting after the 2020 election.
Protestors in Philadelphia on Nov. 5 denounce the Trump campaign’s effort to limit the counting of votes after the 2020 election.
(Los Angeles Times)
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To the editor: I am truly happy that my children had the experience of living in a democracy. It appears that that is rapidly becoming a relic of the past. (“Three Californians, GOP’s Cheney among Pelosi’s picks for panel investigating Jan. 6,” July 1, and “Supreme Court limits Voting Rights Act in ruling for Arizona Republicans,” July 1)

Today, on July 4, we celebrate 245 years of the experiment that was the republic of the United States based on government of the people, by the people and for the people. The current Republican Party has made those words hollow with its refusal to negotiate to arrive at legislation in the interests of the vast majority of the public such as establishing a commission to investigate the Jan. 6 insurrection or to protect voting rights.

I mourn for the nation that I revered and fought for. I don’t completely blame former President Trump — he was a symptom of the fantasy that a strongman could solve all our problems. I see very little hope for our future


Joni Mitchell said it well when she sang, “You don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone.”

Barbara H. Bergen, Los Angeles


To the editor: I’m old enough to remember conservatives moaning and gnashing their teeth about the Earl Warren court, saying it overstepped its bounds by legislating from the bench. But apparently it’s all right for the current ultraconservative Supreme Court to pretend that it is Congress.

The justices have once again gutted the Voting Rights Act, allowing Arizona to make it a crime for anyone to deliver mail ballots other than family members and postal workers.


Many tribal people have zero postal service and must drive an hour or more to the nearest post office. Many of these same people have limited access to transportation, and the only practical way for them to vote has been to rely on friends and neighbors to take their ballots to the post office.

The Supreme Court has now enshrined systemic racism against Native Americans.

Scott McKenzie, La Cañada Flintridge


To the editor: The July 2 front page of the Los Angeles Times carried the headline, “Justices deal a blow to Voting Rights Act.” This says it all about the newspaper’s left-leaning tendencies.


An article in the Wall Street Journal reporting the same Supreme Court decision had the headline, “Justices Uphold Arizona Election Rules.” The difference is opinionated rhetoric versus objective reporting.

The Times continues to show its left-leaning opinion on the front page. Sadly, The Times has forgotten the importance of objectivity so critical in good journalism.

John Gosch, Encino
