
Letters to the Editor: Once again, what’s the matter with Huntington Beach?

Rhonda Bolton speaks into a microphone.
Rhonda Bolton speaks before the City Council during her July 9 interview for a vacant council seat.
(Screenshot by Matt Szabo / Daily Pilot)
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To the editor: I have lived in Huntington Beach for more than 30 years. I raised my children here and love the schools, the parks, the beach and of course the people.

But I have to speak out in defense of our new councilwoman, Rhonda Bolton, who replaced Tito Ortiz and upon her appointment was threatened with a recall.

What is wrong with this city? Let’s give Bolton a chance. Just because she isn’t part of the “good old boy network,” people decide to ridicule her.


Somewhere along these last few years, we have forgotten how to be civilized. Is this how we want our society to be? I give Bolton my full support, and I hope others will at least give her a chance.

Cinde Perez McCallum, Huntington Beach


To the editor: Huntington Beach is a city that has been tarnished by racism for many decades. Finally we have Councilwoman Bolton, a woman of color who is educated and experienced in government and business.


So my question to her hecklers and critics is what are you afraid of? I am sure they will not wish to answer this question and expose their real views.

Varini deSilva, Huntington Beach


To the editor: I admire Bolton’s calmness, grace and open mind when facing the ugly comments and boos that her appointment to the City Council elicited.


However, I hope that she is not looking at Huntington Beach (a bastion of Trumpist Republicans) through slightly rose-colored glasses. I wish her the best, because sadly she will need it.

Vicki Rupasinghe, Ojai
