
Letters to the Editor: Why Trump isn’t on trial yet, and what that says about justice in America

Former President Trump speaks at his golf club in Bedminster, N.J., on July 7.
(Associated Press)
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To the editor: In a way, the most interesting thing about how the media discuss the future for Republicans and former President Trump (including Jonah Goldberg’s column on the recent Virginia election) is a crucial underlying assumption: There is no justice or accounting for the powerful in America.

A primary example is that no explanation is even attempted for why the ex-president is not on trial or in prison.

With all his apparent crimes — ranging from tax evasion to obstruction of justice to attempted electoral fraud — he appears to be immune from prosecution from the federal government as well as from state authorities, particularly in Georgia and New York.


The near-silence of the media on this testifies to the corruption of justice in this country.

Roger Carasso, Santa Fe, N.M.


To the editor: Weighing in on the future of the GOP, Goldberg claims like many Republican politicians that one of the lessons of last week’s elections is that Republicans can win back suburban and independent voters by talking about real issues rather than Trump.


For those of us who followed the Virginia race, we learned that Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe had at least six pages on his website detailing his plans for Virginians. Gov.-elect Glenn Youngkin, the Republican winner, stated next to nothing on his website beyond his “educational” goals of giving control of schools to parents and keeping critical race theory out of the classroom.

In reality, critical race theory is not currently being taught to Virginia students. Those of us with an actual education can see the history of Richard Nixon’s Southern strategy being replayed.

Fear and racism win elections, not policies.

Constance Mallinson, Woodland Hills
