
Cyclist at Feminist Center Held, Called Suspect in Two Fires

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Times Staff Writers

A 32-year-old unemployed man was arrested Wednesday for trespassing at the Feminist Women’s Health Center in Santa Ana and is being held as a prime suspect in two small fires set at the facility last week, local and federal officials said.

John Daniel Holmes of 1064-B Cabrillo Park Drive in Santa Ana was arrested at 11:20 a.m. after the manager of the health center at 406 S. Main St. reported the man was riding his bicycle in the back parking lot of the facility and would not leave when asked.

Santa Ana Police Capt. James Dittman said Holmes was booked into the Orange County Jail on trespassing charges. Dittman said investigators questioned Holmes and determined that he is a prime suspect in “numerous acts of malicious mischief” at the health center and the Planned Parenthood office at 502 N. Broadway in Santa Ana.


‘Suspect in Crimes’

“As the result of this interview, Holmes was developed as a suspect in the crimes against Planned Parenthood and the health clinic,” Dittman said.

The police investigators are being assisted by agents of the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. Douglas Gray, the bureau’s resident agent-in-charge, said Holmes does not belong to any anti-abortion organization.

Last week two small fires were set outside the Feminist Women’s Health Center, but firefighters quickly extinguished them.


Sandra Gomez, manager of the health center, said she spotted Holmes riding his bike in the parking lot Wednesday morning and asked him to leave. She said he had been seen in the area on numerous occasions.

“I yelled at him and told him to get out immediately or he (would) be arrested,” Gomez said. She said Holmes mimicked her at first and then yelled sarcastically, “Oh, I’m so scared. I know you kill babies in there.”

Gomez said Holmes then fell off his bicycle, got up and left. She called police who went to Holmes’ home, questioned him briefly and then arrested him.


Gomez also said that the facility would continue to employ private 24-hour guards at the health center. “We will not be decreasing our security. If it is him (who set the fires), we will feel better. But we still won’t feel safe,” she said.

Steve Holmes, 38, the suspect’s older brother and roommate, said John Daniel Holmes was not responsible for the fires set at the health center but acknowledged that his brother is against abortion. He also said his brother is a loner.

“Danny did not fire bomb the abortion clinic,” the older brother said. “Danny feels it (abortion) is wrong. I believe he thinks it’s murder.

Brothers Share Quarters

“He does not belong to any anti-abortion groups. I’m his only friend. He usually goes into his room, and I leave him alone.”

The two share a two-bedroom apartment. Steve Holmes, who said he receives treatment at a county mental health clinic, said his brother has been on disability for several years.

The older brother, however, said Holmes had told him of incidents where he threw rocks at the Women’s Feminist Health Center and once tied a dead cat he found on the street to a door of the facility.


Asked why he thought his younger brother did that, Steve Holmes said, “I think he’s probably frustrated and mad at life. He’s divorced and doesn’t see his son very often.”

The brother said the suspect has been divorced for several years and has an 11- or 12-year-old son. He said he did not know where John Holmes’ former wife and son live.

The apartment was strewn with religious books and pamphlets when a reporter talked to the older Holmes. But the older brother would not comment further on any religious beliefs the two might share.

Times staff writer Mark Landsbaum contributed to this story.
