
El Toro : Celebration Planned for Park Restoration

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Mexican dancers, delegates from local Indian tribes and county officials will be on hand Saturday when the county celebrates the final phase of development of Heritage Hill Historic Park with the unveiling of a monument marking the site.

The monument also marks the completion of restoration of the park’s Bennett Ranch House, built in 1908.

Acquired six years ago, the four-acre park includes the Serrano adobe, built in 1863; the one-room El Toro Grammar School, built in 1890, and a church used by English settlers. Although the adobe shack was built on what is now the park, the other three structures were relocated from other sites in El Toro.


Victor Olivares, a county park ranger, said the most recent addition, the turn-of-the-century ranch house, was donated to the county two years ago and that restoration of the historic structure recently was completed.

Guest speakers will include Supervisor Bruce Nestande and Hal Krizan, the county’s director of parks and recreation. Representatives of the Orange County Historical Commission also will be present.

The celebration will begin at 10 a.m. and last until 3 p.m. Booths and other displays will be erected at the park, and food and beverages will be available. Heritage Hill Historic Park is located at 25151 Serrano Road.
