
Dickerson May Have Good Reason Not to Trust Rams

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Up front I will tell you I am a female, white, senior citizen type who has been reading your sports section faithfully since 1940 and this is my first letter.

It’s about Eric Dickerson. I, for one, do not blame him for not trusting anyone in the Ram organization. If you go into your archives and start reading what has been in the L.A. Times about the Rams, this is what has been written:

--When the late Carroll Rosenbloom couldn’t handle the L.A. Coliseum group, he found more obliging ones among our country cousins and immediately dumped L.A. and moved south.


--When he died, his widow dumped his children. Any payment is not to the point; they were dumped.

--The Rams dumped their coach.

Meanwhile, John Robinson got USC into deep trouble and hurriedly dumped them so he wouldn’t be around, waited 10 minutes and then went to work for the Rams. It was a marriage made in heaven.

All this while the Rams have Pete Rozelle in their hip pocket and he runs around in a kind of frenzy spending all the other dumb owners’ money trying to protect the Rams from having any competition in the place they dumped, namely the Coliseum.


Now you tell me, would anyone with a brain in their head trust that organization?


Los Angeles
