
Long Beach : LBACI Endorses Candidate

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Long Beach Area Citizens Involved, a citywide organization of about 600 members, has endorsed Clarence Smith in the 6th District City Council race.

Smith, 55, a city Recreation Department supervisor, is one of 10 candidates in a special Aug. 26 election called to fill a seat vacated by the late James H. Wilson after he was sentenced to prison for mail fraud in May.

Smith adds the LBACI endorsement to one by the United Ministerial Alliance, an organization with members from most central city churches.


Sid Solomon, LBACI president, said Smith, Frank Berry, Emma Calhoun Conley, Hudena James, Mineo Miyagishima and Wendell Whisenton all responded to the organization’s questionnaire and were interviewed.

Smith was endorsed primarily because of his past community involvement and agreement with LBACI on issues such as renters’ rights and campaign finance reform.
