
Man’s Earlobe Bitten Off During Fight at Bar

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A Huntington Beach man had his earlobe bitten off in a bar fight Sunday evening, police said, and surgical efforts were attempted to replace it.

Officers said Steve Geiger, 32, was walking through a parking lot with his brother and a friend shortly before 8:30 p.m. when they saw a truck speeding through the area. Geiger reportedly yelled at the truck driver to slow down and an argument ensued between the brothers and the trucker, identified only as Pat in police reports, and some of his friends.

Later, police said, Geiger went into Charlie’s, a bar at 6041 Bolsa Ave., with his brother where the argument resumed. Police Lt. Jack Reinholtz said the trucker appeared in the bar and declared that he was “the best driver” his trucking company had ever employed.


Soon the trucker and Geiger began tussling and wrestled each other to the floor. Geiger told police he felt a sharp pain in his ear before the fight was broken up. The trucker left and Geiger had an ice pack placed on his ear before he was taken to Humana Hospital in Westminster.

Reinholtz said a surgeon was called to try to reattach the ear, but hospital officials wouldn’t say whether the effort was successful. A spokesman said only that Geiger had been treated and released.

As of Monday evening, no arrests had been made.
