
High Life : A WEEKLY FORUM FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS : Suspicion Is There’s Lots of Sneaking Going On

Responses gathered by Jessica Hulsey (Cypress), Layne Mosler (Troy), Claudine Ko (University) and Juanita Chang (Villa Park)

Ever thrown a party at your house when your parents were out of town? Or have your friends let you into a theater through the back door? How about having a half-dozen or so pizzas delivered to the home of your worst enemy?

Hot Topics wonders: “What’s the sneakiest thing you’ve ever done?”

“The men’s room was full at Cinemapolis. The women’s wasn’t. When you gotta go, you gotta go.” Tom Rossi Rossi, 16, sophomore, Villa Park

“My girlfriend and I snuck into her parents’ motor home. All went well until her neighbors called the cops, thinking we were burglars.” Joshua Hollar, 16, junior, Cypress


“When I was a freshman I went to a church retreat in Tijuana, and I went into a bar.” John Ray, 17, junior, Troy

“I dated seven girls at the same time over one summer. They lived in different towns.” Jens Johansen, 16, senior, University

“I stole my brother’s birthday presents and returned them for something I liked.” Roylyn Cabrera, 15, sophomore, Villa Park

“I stayed up past my parents’ bedtime and talked to my girlfriend for hours and hours on the phone. I never got caught, either.” Craig Kovayashi, 17, junior, Troy

“Ditched and went to Taco Bell.” Mark Konkler, 16, sophomore, Cypress

“My friend and I were driving up to Utah for a camp, but along the way we decided to go to Idaho to visit friends of his family and to Montana to visit my relatives. After we spent our week at camp, we were expected to go home, but we decided to take a detour. I dropped my friend off in Idaho and I went back to Montana. Needless to say, when I got back home three days after I was supposed to, my mom was very upset.” Brendan Monaghan, 17, senior, University

“I stuck plastic bugs in my little cousin’s food at Christmas dinner.” Laura Mutter, 15, sophomore, Troy


“It was when my friends and I sneaked into ‘Rain Man.’ We were the only ones in the theater, and I was afraid to laugh at the funny parts because I was afraid the usher would catch us and kick us out.” Lisa Lan, 15, sophomore, Villa Park

“I pretended I was sick and stayed home from school.” Angela Wong, 16, junior, University

“I once cut the tag off my couch.” James Jhun, 15, sophomore, Villa Park

“When I was little, I dropped my brother’s toothbrush in the toilet and never told him.” Stephanie Rachel, 17, senior, Troy

“I went out with two girls at the same time.” Craig Alpert, 18, senior, University

Next Week’s Hot Topic: What’s the best April Fool’s joke you’ve ever fallen for?
