
Under the Helicopters


“Whirlybirds’ Romance Raises a Ruckus,” (Times Valley Edition, Oct. 4) pinpointed the continuing problem of helicopter noise in the Valley: local entrepreneurs making their living on tourism at the expense of their neighbors.

I live east of Van Nuys Boulevard, approximately four miles from the Van Nuys Airport. Yet, my neighborhood is inundated with helicopter flights, sometimes 10 or 12 on a weeknight. The most annoying ones are police flights, though they are not as frequent as the others.

But what is most apparent from your article is that a great number of the regular flights are operated solely for pleasure. That makes it harder for me to accept. It would be as if I were to fire up my lawn mower--or motorcycle or old car--and cruise the neighborhood twice an evening, every night of the week. Should my neighbors be forced to listen to that?


At least those offended could approach me to complain. In the helicopter situation, most of us are helpless to know what stranger is overhead.

Helicopter operators scream about jobs, but did anyone consider the noise pollution ramifications when they created this business?

