
Women in Film


Why must every sociological issue, in politics or art, turn into a convenient forum for women to attack men? Women like Susan Faludi, liberally quoted by Goldstein, find virtually every piece of art sexist, through their particular form of convoluted logic.

The truth, of course, is that “Indecent Proposal” is proving to be more popular among women than men. In fact, the film’s screenwriter, Amy Holden Jones, recently used a negative review by The Times’ Kenneth Turan as an opportunity to attack men’s “world-weary” cynicism and to state that “this is basically a women’s emotional movie.”

Does any reasonable woman believe that most men fantasize about having their wife or girlfriend “purchased” for an evening of sex? “Indecent Proposal” is far more a female fantasy, in which an “ordinary” woman can meet a handsome, charming man willing to spend $1 million for just one night with her.


If the whole concept seems ridiculous and tasteless, I agree. But let’s all take responsibility for a society in which women continue to be viewed as “sex objects,” and men as “success objects.”


Sherman Oaks
