
‘Mother Nature’s Guide to Vibrant Beauty & Health’


Author: Myra Cameron.

Info: Prentice Hall, 1991. $9.95 paperback. 226 pages plus appendixes, including a vitamin and mineral chart.

Myra Cameron, a devotee of holistic health and beauty, has combined years of research and centuries-old wisdom with suggestions from doctors, dermatologists and health spas into a guidebook of at-home treatments and remedies as well as information about nutrition and health.

Cameron says advice in the book “will help you look and feel more vibrant and naturally beautiful,” and for less money than by using in-store, chemical-based products.


Seventeen chapters on an array of topics fall into three categories: “Making the Most of Your Skin,” “Head to Toe Beauty” and “Lifetime Beauty and Health: Diet, Exercise and Stress Management.”

Bite-size pieces of information, clearly labeled and simply written, make this book excellent for browsing and for keeping on the reference shelf, in the bathroom or even in the kitchen with the cookbooks. Among the recipes are celery astringent, potato poultices for tired eyes or sandy eyelids and avocado hair conditioner.

Cameron has written several books, including “Treasury of Home Remedies.” Her books are available at Bookstar, Tustin Market Place, and other area bookstores.
