
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: A new survey isn’t...

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FOOD FOR THOUGHT: A new survey isn’t sitting well with Ike Starkman, owner of Studio City-based Jerry’s Famous Deli. . . . The survey by the Center for Science in the Public Interest says many popular deli sandwiches are loaded with fat: a tuna sandwich with mayonnaise contains nearly as much fat as three McDonald’s Quarter Pounders. One of the restaurants surveyed was Jerry’s. “We don’t plan any changes in our menu,” Starkman says. He believes that fat intake is “under the control of the person who eats.”

DECISION TIME: Cal State Northridge football Coach Bob Burt still hasn’t decided whether to stick with the Matadors, where he’s compiled a 49-46 record in nine years. The alternative: On Tuesday, he was offered the coaching slot at Temescal Canyon High School in Lake Elsinore (C8).

PIN HEADS: From New York’s Finest to O.J. Simpson attorney Robert Shapiro (A17), it’s the latest lapel craze. . . . Councilwoman Laura Chick introduced the blue pins, above, last month to support the Los Angeles Police Department during attacks from Simpson’s defense team. But 350 calls for the pins in the past two days have poured into Chick’s office, emptying her supply. Sighed Chick spokesman Eric Rose: “We’re asking the public to make their own blue ribbons.”


MISSION OF FAITH: Ever since World War II, Jewish villagers in the tiny Ukranian town of Vinogradov have been without a Torah, the scroll needed for true observation of the faith. Now Shomrei Torah Synagogue in West Hills is coming to the rescue, donating a Torah to Vinogradov (B2).

UNSETTLING: The future of earthquake insurance isn’t rosy, state legislators were told Tuesday. Expect to pay more for less, if you can get it at all (B1). Insurers were woefully unprepared for the Northridge quake, an Assembly panel was told.
