
Old Wild Wing Makes a Return

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The fans have been heard--on the mascot, anyway.

The new Wild Wing has been dumped.

“He’s hanging out with the Ice Man,” Disney Sports Enterprises President Tony Tavares said, recalling the doomed character he fired after Opening Night in 1993, announcing “The Ice Man cometh, and the Ice Man goeth.”

The spunky, cuddly original Wild Wing returned Friday, making his entrance from the rafters to a considerable ovation after a scoreboard video flashed the steroid-enhanced new Wild Wing for the last time, along with the words, “It was only a dream.”

“The fans 86’d him,” Tavares said. “They hated him. I got more letters about him than I do about the team.”



Center Steve Rucchin returned to the lineup after being scratched by Coach Ron Wilson three games in a row, then broke through with his first goal of the season.
