
Davis Follows in Her Father’s Footsteps


When 70,000 soccer fans knew of her birth before her father, it probably was just a matter of time before Esperanza’s Leigh Ann Davis ended up on a soccer field.

Fifteen years ago, her father, Rick Davis, was the starting midfielder for the New York Cosmos. With their first child on the way, Rick’s wife, Kelly, moved to California to be with her parents while she awaited Leigh Ann’s appearance. Rick stayed in New York, smack in the middle of the North American Soccer League season.

On May 16, 1982, Rick was awakened by a 5 a.m. phone call from Kelly’s sister telling him his wife was in labor. Rick called his father, a physician in Claremont, Calif., and asked his dad’s advice.


“He told me to take my time, that first babies always take a while,” Rick said. “He told me to catch the first plane that morning and I’d be OK. Kelly had the baby while I was airborne.”

During the game that day, the Cosmos put a message on the scoreboard at Giants Stadium announcing the birth. Rick didn’t find out about Leigh Ann until he landed in Los Angeles.

So, call it destiny that Leigh Ann, a sophomore, is now starting for Esperanza’s third-ranked girls’ soccer team.

Blessed with natural speed, Leigh Ann can outrun most on the field. In fact, she used to run track, but according to her father, she hates head-to-head competition. Now she plays only soccer.

Esperanza Coach Phyllis Scarborough says Davis is so talented she can move easily between fullback, outside and centerback positions, depending on the opponent.

“Leigh Ann can play anywhere,” Scarborough said. “She has a very good knowledge of the game. She always starts and she always plays the whole game. I wish I had a couple more of her.”


But Scarborough, an offensive-minded coach, does wish Davis would shoot and take charge more.

“She doesn’t have the confidence yet to take control of her teammates,” Scarborough said. “I think she is still kind of feeling her way, even though her teammates have tremendous respect for her. But I am really impressed with her, especially at her age.”

Davis didn’t begin playing soccer as early as many would expect, considering her father is one of America’s best-known players.

A member of the U.S. national team, Rick Davis was captain of the 1984 and ’88 Olympic teams. He played with some of the greats in his time with the Cosmos, including Pele and Germany’s Franz Beckenbauer.

But Leigh Ann says her father’s career had little to do with her decision to play soccer. “Actually, it was my mom,” she said. “I had a few friends that were playing, but I was scared of the coach and didn’t want to play. My mom got me out there at least to try. I went to a practice and I liked it.”

That was when she was 9. Davis has been playing for a local club soccer team for four years. Her father took over coaching duties for the team this year, after serving as an assistant for three.


Rick has settled in Claremont and works for Kaiser Permanente. He has left soccer, except for when his kids are involved. After working as general manager for the Salsa and helping organize a soccer club in the Saddleback Valley, Rick was burned out.

“It left a bitter taste in my mouth,” he said. “I knew it was time to get out of the game.”

Scarborough believes Rick’s presence contributes to Leigh Ann’s read of the game.

“It’s very difficult to believe she doesn’t get caught up in soccer conversations with her dad,” Scarborough said. “I think he has a lot of influence on her. And she has an advantage that a lot of girls don’t--a dad that talks the game with her; a dad who has been where he has and experienced what he did.”
