
The Top Banana Had an Excuse

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One of the few city officials who could cite monkey business as a valid reason for tardiness is Manuel Mollinedo, the L.A. Zoo director. Mollinedo was a day late delivering a report to the City Council on a bond proposal for the zoo. He blamed it on a little crisis involving a gorilla that had refused for more than two hours to get back into its enclosure the previous night. The creature was finally lured inside by bananas thrown into the area--lots and lots of bananas.

When Mollinedo had finished his explanation, City Councilwoman Rita Walters couldn’t resist asking him if the gorilla ate the report.

THERE’S ALWAYS A SHOW BIZ ANGLE . . . : John Hankins notes that a news release from the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History about its daily “Target Earth!” program stated that this planet is peppered continually by pieces of “comic” debris.


MORE FAR-OUT STUFF: On a map showing hotel and car-rental rates around the country, the Wall Street Journal--which is usually pretty good with numbers--mistakenly listed the average price of a hotel room in L.A. as more than a thousand dollars per night (see accompanying). I’d insist on at least two mints on my pillow at that price.

But no one’s perfect. Sue and Pre Garrington of Chino Hills found a listing in The Times for a L.A. house that was priced at $149,000 though it seemed to be missing some key amenities (see accompanying).

SLEET AND SNOW ARE ONE THING, BUT . . . Drivers who stall in freeway traffic during rush hour, thereby tying up everyone else, often hear a few choice remarks from passersby. But I doubt if very many people spoke to the guy whose truck broke down on the Santa Monica Freeway Thursday. No use angering the driver of that pooped-out U.S. Postal Service truck.


‘TWAS THE 155TH NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS . . . . . . The marquee at the Commerce Plaza Hotel off the Santa Ana Freeway was encouraging travelers to make Christmas reservations.

CALLING ALL PUP-ARAZZI: In relating the story of Bonnie Tiegel, who woke up on a Malibu beach to find a baby seal on her blanket, I forgot to mention that she would appreciate any photos of the scene that were snapped by other sun-worshipers. She can be reached at Entertainment Tonight, 5555 Melrose Ave., Hollywood CA 90039.

Only in L.A. would also like a snapshot to add to our collection of comic debris.


The Pasadena Weekly is conducting its annual readers’ poll, which includes such offbeat categories as: “Best place to get busted for skateboarding” and “Best suggestions for the type of store Monica Lewinsky should open here” (in the tradition of former lingerie shop operator Heidi Fleiss).


Another category--”Best place to people watch”--drew this mordant reply in a poll a couple of years ago: “Suicide (Colorado Street) Bridge.”

Steve Harvey can be reached by phone at (213) 237-7083, by fax at (213) 237-4712, by e-mail at and by mail at Metro, L.A. Times, Times Mirror Square, L.A. 90053.
