


Gay Degani, homemaker:

“Caesar: Let the Dice Fly” by Colleen McCullough (William Morrow).

“ ‘Caesar: Let the Dice Fly,’ the latest in McCullough’s ‘Masters of Rome’ series, details Caesar’s campaign in Gaul and his decision to cross the Rubicon. People--and politicians--haven’t changed much over the last 2,000 years.”


Douglas Post, lawyer:


“The Perfect Storm” by Sebastian Junger (HarperPaperbacks).

“In describing this ‘storm of the century,’ Junger uses meteorology to reconstruct what it was like to be one of the ships lost in that epic fury. I knew exactly what being there was like. It was a quick read and captured my attention.”


Laura DeMilita, insurance broker:

“The Meaning of Jesus” by Marcus J. Borg and N.T. Wright (HarperSan Francisco).

“Borg and Wright give divergent yet very reasonable accounts of who Jesus was. This book has informed my own debate and helped me to crystallize my beliefs.”


Larry Inadomi, retired grocer:

“Tuesdays with Morrie” by Mitch Albom (Doubleday).

“Albom’s book is a slice of life. It tells you to keep in touch with people, even when there are a million excuses not to. He reminds you that you only have so much time left with them.”
