


Where does Al Freemon of Los Angeles [Viewpoint, July 27] get off complaining about the Soccer Daily Report? He says that 99% of L.A. Times sports readers are not interested in hearing about soccer. If this were true, then the amount of coverage soccer gets in the L.A. Times sports page would actually be correct. That’s because the Daily Soccer Report is so small it probably only makes up 1% of the sports page.

Are you guys sure Mal Florence didn’t write this letter under an assumed name?

Aaron Baker

Culver City


In response to Mr. Freemon’s letter, I would like to say that the beauty of the sport is in fact in the eye of the beholder. Not everyone is interested in the sport of soccer; however, not everyone is interested in baseball, football, tennis, golf, hockey, horse racing, etc., but each sport has the right to its own space. If you are not interested in soccer, skip it, read about what interests you. However, maybe you should try getting to know another sport before you put it down.

Toni Leslie

