
Rapid Transit Needed Along Existing Freeways


How many more times do the voters of Southern California have to flush down the costly schemes of additional subway construction before it finally goes away (“MTA Subway Plan Faces Many Hurdles,” Oct. 2)? The only new rapid transit that makes any sense is a rail network down the middle of existing freeways (no costs for right of ways, no tunneling, no disruption or termination of existing businesses, no ridiculous $300 million spent for each mile). As for train riders, imagine how many drivers who now use their autos only to and from work downtown will switch when they are bumper to bumper on the freeways and see commuters on the trains speeding by at 40 to 50 mph.

Concerned voters should contact members of the MTA Board of Directors, as well as appropriate elected officials, to enforce the demonstrated will of the people who have overwhelmingly rejected further wasteful subway construction.

Sid Skolnik

West Hollywood


The Red Line subway is the most promising, forward-thinking addition to the L.A. transportation system since the freeways were built. Extending this line down Wilshire Boulevard, not just to LACMA but through Beverly Hills, Westwood and Santa Monica, would eliminate thousands of cars from the road per day.


I sincerely hope that city, state and national representatives, particularly Rep. Henry A. Waxman (D-Los Angeles), support the MTA and help build Los Angeles the public transit system it should have had 30 years ago. Gridlock and pollution are the worst things about this great city, and the subway is the best way to get rid of them.

Sage Vanden Heuvel

