
Deane Dana Worked to Curb Spread of Gangs


I read with sadness of the death of former L.A. County Supervisor Deane Dana (obituary, April 22). In 1985, he called together representatives from the county, the city school districts, police and private industry. He had just received a study from United Way that recommended starting a gang prevention program, and he wanted all of us to help implement its findings. We worked together collaboratively for several months, and the result was the initiation of the Gang Alternatives Program.

The program, started in the harbor area and then extended to South-Central, East Los Angeles and beyond, annually teaches young people to stay out of gangs. Dana generously financed this program from his office funds throughout his terms, and Supervisor Don Knabe has continued that commitment. To many of us involved in that effort, the program was the greatest of the supervisor’s many accomplishments.

John Greenwood

Former Member

Los Angeles Board

of Education
