
Athlete who died had heart problems

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Times Staff Writer

A 15-year-old Irvine football player who collapsed while practicing in May died of congenital heart failure, the Orange County coroner’s office said Wednesday.

Dylan Bradshaw, an offensive and defensive lineman on the Northwood High School junior varsity team, collapsed May 28 at the school on Portola Parkway.

Although a trainer tried to revive him, performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation, Dylan died at a hospital about an hour later.


Two other Orange County student athletes have died in the last year while participating in sports.

Kenny Wilson, 16, died of heatstroke last August after collapsing during football practice at Northwood’s crosstown rival Beckman High School.

Megan Myers, a 14-year-old freshman at Dana Hills High School in Dana Point, collapsed during a cross-country race and was later found to have heart inflammation.


Just before Dylan died, he had told his coaches he was not feeling well and was escorted to the side of the practice field. He sat down on an electric cart and collapsed.

Dylan’s death left the Northwood student body reeling.

Counselors visited the campus to talk with grieving students, and an Irvine Unified School District spokesman described the atmosphere at the 2,200-student school as “heartbreaking.”

Counselors and teachers held an after-school meeting in the campus theater, where more than 100 football players, other students and parents discussed Dylan’s death.


A school counselor read a condolence letter from administrators at Beckman High.

Friends said Dylan was shy but always had a smile on his face and had a strong work ethic.

