
Fast Track: Rock and Roll Hall of Fame welcomes new inductees


A roundup of entertainment headlines for Tuesday.

Alice Cooper showed up to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame with a giant boa constrictor draped over his shoulders. (Los Angeles Times)

Bon Jovi says Steve Jobs is responsible for killing the music business. (Huffington Post)


Aflac realizes Gilbert Gottfried isn’t funny, fires him over Japan tsunami “jokes.” (Los Angeles Times)

Charlie Sheen’s “Torpedo of Truth” tour sells out in under 20 minutes; a TLC documentary on the former sitcom star is on the way; baby Jesus is crying. (Los Angeles Times)

It sure seems like the cast of “Freaks and Geeks” isn’t that fond of James Franco. (Los Angeles Times)

Are Glenn Beck’s days on Fox numbered? Beck’s response is a bit mysterious. (Huffington Post)

Disney claims the awful performance of “Mars Needs Moms” didn’t kill Robert Zemeckis’ “Yellow Submarine” project, they had killed it anyway. (Los Angeles Times)

TV networks contemplate a football-less fall. (Los Angeles Times)


Rest easy Neil Gaiman fans, Hollywood won’t be ruining “Sandman” on TV anytime soon (Hollywood Reporter)

Could Larry King spend his retirement as a contributor to “The Daily Show?” (Deadline)

Faux memoirist James Frey’s latest novel will be published by an art gallery. (New York Times)

For some reason, Ke$ha is going the heavy-metal-dude route and chugging “human blood” on stage. Rawk? (MTV)

-- Patrick Kevin Day

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