
Man Charged With Drunk Driving After Ordering 200 Hash Browns from McDonald’s Drive-Thru

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The Daily Meal

Police were called to a McDonald’s in Australia after a customer attempted to order 200 hash browns, the Hornsby Advocate reports (link behind paywall). The 30-year-old man originally tried to order chicken nuggets at 4:50 a.m. but was told that they were not on the breakfast menu.

The man became irate and drove through the drive-thru four times according to staff. On one of his loops, he ordered 200 hash browns.

His order of the (admittedly very tasty) fried potato ovals totaled an expensive $230. While he waited for his starch-heavy drunk eats the police were called. The man was given a breathalyzer test, which he failed after registering 0.175 percent blood alcohol level, which is three times more than the legal limit.


No one should ever drive drunk, even in the name of getting your hands on some hash browns. Stay home, and make any of these 21 insanely easy breakfast recipes.
