
Letters to the Editor: Happy new year? Not in 2024. Let’s hope a Trump defeat makes 2025 worth celebrating

A Christmas tree is topped with a red Trump hat.
A campaign rally last month in Waterloo-Iowa, features Trump-inspired holiday decorations are seen at a campaign rally for the former president in Waterloo, Iowa, on Dec. 19.
(Charlie Neibergall / Associated Press)

To the editor: If, God forbid, the former divider in chief is elected in 2024, we cannot say, “There’s enough blame to go around.” The blame will be squarely on those whom Erin Auby Kaplan describes in her spot-on article, “Why I’m not wishing you happy holidays.”

She writes, “Without the adoring crowds and Republican Party sycophants who follow their lead, [former President Trump] turns back into what he is: a clownish, petty, whiny, utterly irrelevant fake celebrity.”

Here’s to hoping that next December, she and all of us can say “happy holidays,” because enough people stepped back, paused and saw Trump for who he really is.


For him, instead of “four more years,” the chant should be “not one more day.”

John Saville, Corona


To the editor: From my point of view, there is much joy and beauty in 2024.

This past weekend, I drove the route of the Rose Parade, my city’s annual tradition that brings local folks and people from all over the United States to view floats beautifully decorated by volunteers. The marching bands are made up of young people who worked hard to come here and play their instruments and proudly march down Colorado Boulevard. For many of them, it’s the highlight of their lives.

I know people whose second child is due in February, and they are filled with anticipation and joy.

And then there is me, an incurable cancer patient who has been fighting to stay alive since 2018. If it weren’t for the incredible doctors and nurses working hard to keep me alive, I would not be here to experience a brand new year.


I urge Kaplan to open up her world and seek hope. She’ll survive Trump in 2024 — maybe she’ll even thrive.

Dana Pepper Bouton, Pasadena


To the editor: Kudos to Kaplan for capturing my exact sentiments. I am so not looking forward to 2024. This presidential election year will determine whether the U.S. can continue as a democracy.

It is somewhat gratifying to see some states invoking Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to keep Trump off the ballot for fomenting an insurrection even though he took an oath to protect the Constitution.


Some say we should stop the legal maneuvers and simply let the people vote. To them, I say that would be fine if we elected our president by a popular vote. However, the electoral college lets losers win (see 2000 and 2016) and entirely mocks the “one person, one vote” mantra we learned in grade school.

The electoral college could plausibly hand Trump another victory despite the majority of voters saying otherwise.

Alan Moghul, Cathedral City


To the editor: As the saying goes, these are the times that try men’s souls. One way I deal with it is to accept that as individuals, we only have so much control over the big picture.

We can vote, contribute to candidates who reflect our values and speak out. I do all of that, and given the turmoil happening in the world, it helps keep me from going bonkers.

Do what you can, and remember the rest is out of your control.

Mark McIntyre, Los Angeles
