
Readers React: Why Ted Cruz, born in Canada, can run for president

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To the editor: A child born abroad to one parent who is a U.S. citizen and one alien parent — as Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) was — acquires U.S. citizenship at birth under Section 301(g) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, provided the U.S. citizen parent was physically present in the United States or one of its outlying possessions for the time period required by the law applicable at the time of the child’s birth. (“Hold the ‘birther’ controversy: Ted Cruz is a natural born American,” editorial, Jan. 8)

Cruz was born in 1970, so this requirement for his mother would have been 10 years in the United States, five of which must have come after the age of 14. Since Cruz entered the United States from Canada in possession of a U. S. passport, I presume his mother met the physical presence of the statute.

Stuart Shelby, Santa Monica


The writer is a retired immigration judge.


To the editor: Many Republican wise men created a birther “baby” when trying to invalidate President Obama’s election victories in 2008 and 2012. Now, with the 2016 election, they are stuck trying to learn how to change that baby’s diaper so Cruz can continue his campaign for the presidency.

It’s kind of fun.

Thomas Parker, La Cañada Flintridge


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