
Readers React: Citizens United leader is no hero

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To the editor: Citizens United President David N. Bossie now unapologetically paints himself as a hero. Wow. (“I’m responsible for Citizens United. I’m not sorry,” Opinion, March 1)

Republicans and Democrats have raised obscene amounts of money for this election cycle. In his paean to the unfortunate Citizens United ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2010, Bossie conveniently and deceptively deflects attention to the wrong side. He cites Republican Jeb Bush’s suspension of his presidential campaign in spite of spending more than $100 million of his donors’ money as evidence for his thesis that big money does not distort elections.

This is the lot of those whose candidates did not win: Their investments did not pay off. The danger from big money comes from those who invested in the winners. They will expect a return on their invested millions.


As Molly Ivins used to say about politicians and their big campaign donors, “you got to dance with them what brung you.”

Carlos Gutierrez, Monrovia


To the editor: Americans who loathe the Citizens United ruling should thank the Federal Election Commission, whose blatant attempt to influence the 2008 election pushed the case to the Supreme Court.


How does an obscure documentary seen by almost nobody run afoul of election laws four years after “Fahrenheit 9/11” — directed by Michael Moore and seen by millions — passes with flying colors? The obvious answer is that the Federal Election Commission found the content of Moore’s film more suitable for public consumption in an election year.

Censorship is inherently corrupt. We were right to ban it in 1791.

Michael Smith, Cynthiana, Ky.

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