
Opinion: Give capitalism — and the GOP bill — a chance to fix healthcare

President Trump and Speaker Paul Ryan celebrate House passage of the American Health Care Act on May 4.
(Evan Vucci / Associated Press)
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To the editor: The hysterical rants and impossible promises made by both Democrats and Republicans obscure the fact that the core issue is whether the best healthcare for Americans will result from the capitalistic model or socialistic model of governance. (“The GOP has a lot of promises to keep on healthcare,” Opinion, May 7)

Let’s face it: The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is simply a pathway to single payer. It is not really failing, but rather succeeding in defining the need for more government involvement. Had Hillary Clinton been elected, we’d be on the path to single payer.

To get a picture of what that would look like, just consider the disaster that was the 2014 Veterans Health Administration scandal. That health system is a government-run, single-payer model. Do we really want that for all our citizens?


The alternative being proposed by the GOP is based on the capitalistic approach, which has its own flaws but has resulted in an economic powerhouse that is the envy of the world. Why not give it chance?

Roger H. Hoh, Lomita

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