
Letters to the Editor: Garcetti’s Woolsey fire texts draw a harsh response

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To the editor: On Saturday, I read that Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti sought information on a specific house threatened by the Woolsey fire, and the address was not even part of the city of L.A. It also seems that his request may have snarled firefighting efforts to some degree.

Furthermore, there is a serious lack of transparency from the mayor on this matter. It is so hard to put faith in a politician who operates in this fashion.

On Sunday, I read that Garcetti had a private meeting with the pope in Rome. I wonder if he asked his holiness to check on a certain soul for him. I sure wish he had run for king — I mean, president.


Loren Mark, Eagle Rock

To the editor: First, the L.A. Fire Department issues a statement that says requests by politicians to check on specific homes complicated firefighting efforts in the Woolsey fire. Months later, LAFD Chief Ralph Terrazas claims that statement was a “miscommunication.”

Then, only after Garcetti’s texts revealed there were indeed specific requests, Terrazas admits that he did get requests, but no one got special treatment. Only a fool would believe anything he says about this now.


Once again we see just how unfair and inept our city government is.

Anthony Blake, Woodland Hills

To the editor: Whether it was his friend, rabbi or puppet master, it does not matter much whom Garcetti was trying to have L.A. firefighters check on while others were dying in the Woolsey fire.

What does matter is the exposure, once again, that the “good old boy network” is real, in full swing and impossible to stop. This clearly includes L.A. Fire Chief Terrazas, who appears to have lied about his part in this mess.


Warren Larson, Sunland
