
Letters to the Editor: How top Republicans deliberately radicalized their party

Kelly Loeffler and Donald Trump walking away from the president's helicopter, Marine One.
During her losing campaign, Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-Ga.) adopted the language of President Trump and called Democrats “radical” and “socialist.”
(Associated Press)
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To the editor: All the Republicans who “rode the tiger” of right-wing extremism now seem alarmed by the fact that there was no dismount strategy. Their fear of losing votes has been replaced by a fear of violence committed against them. (“A broad cross section of Trump supporters stormed the Capitol, arrests show. Now what?” Jan. 14)

The supporters they cultivated over many years with their Reaganesque government-is-the-enemy philosophy have morphed into a destructive mass that shows no respect for our government, and it reaches further than just those who turned up at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.

It is time for Republicans to show some leadership. First step: Tell their followers that President-elect Joe Biden won the election and he has their full support. Next step: Educate their followers as to how democracy works. Stop exploiting right-wing, racist and anti-democratic themes.


Republicans need to decry the destructive obstructionism they have practiced for years and instead work as honest participants in governing in the interest of the people.

Marcia Goldstein, Laguna Woods


To the editor: The army of insurrectionists that stormed the Capitol was not motivated only by President Trump’s lies about the election being stolen.


For years now, Trump and his Republican cohorts have engaged in a cynical campaign of messaging designed to demonize their opposition. We no longer hear reasoned debate about the pros and cons of important policy issues and questions. Name-calling is now the order of the day.

In the U.S. Senate election in Georgia, Republican incumbent Kelly Loeffler was so programmed that she seemed incapable of uttering a single sentence without the words “radical left socialists.” In the presidential campaign, Trump warned that we wouldn’t even have a country if Biden and the Democrats won.

Trump and the Republicans convinced millions of people that Biden and all other Democrats were evil and threatened their way of life.


Paul Eckles, Rancho Mission Viejo


To the editor: I read a tone of surprise in the discovery that the people who stormed the Capitol reflect a broad swath of Trump supporters and not just the extremists.

Democrats are finally wrapping their minds around the gobsmacking reality that facts, science, education and truth do not and will not persuade. Enacting legislation that swiftly, positively and meaningfully affects people’s lives is the only form of persuasion left to try.

In 2024, when Biden asks, “Are you better off now than you were four years ago?” Americans will need to know that indeed they are.

Julie Atherton, Tustin


To the editor: The pictures of people attacking the Capitol on Jan. 6 have been very informative and indicative of their mind-set.


Some wore shirts inscribed with the letters “6MWE.” These letters, referring to World War II and the Holocaust, stand for “6 million wasn’t enough.”

It seems that we still have would-be Nazis among us. How sad.

Elizabeth Keranen, Bakersfield
