
Letters to the Editor: Antonio Villaraigosa, please stay out of the Newsom recall

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To the editor: According to The Times, former Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, who ran for governor in 2018, “is being talked about as a possible Democratic candidate in the likely recall election of Gov. Gavin Newsom.” (“Newsom recall gives Antonio Villaraigosa risky road to political comeback. Will he take it?” April 16)

Well, this is the first I have heard of it.

Contrary to Villaraigosa’s belief that “68 is the new 38,” he remains a retiree, fully eligible for Medicare. I would rather we look to folks who actually are 38, reflecting a more diverse generation for California’s political leadership across every category.

Let’s not look backward when so much talent can be tapped from today’s up-and-comers.

Carmen Gonzalez, Glendale



To the editor: A governor is a leader, a decision-maker and a truth-speaker. Gavin Newsom is all of those. I have been cheered by our governor’s regular TV appearances relating California’s pandemic status and efforts to defeat the virus.

In early December, not a single Californian besides those in trials had received a dose of COVID-19 vaccine. Today, more than 10 million adults in this state are fully vaccinated.

We need to ensure Newsom’s leadership continues by voting against this senseless recall effort.


Steve Krantz, West Hills
