
Letters: Metta World Peace elbows his way into the headlines

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Metta World Peace? How about Metta World War III?

Pat Mauer



I guess all of Metta World Peace’s previous suspensions were all part of being celebratory also. He obviously wanted to celebrate with the fans in Detroit.

Jeff White



Calling Artest “Metta World Peace” is like calling Bernie Madoff “Father Generosity.” Artest obviously didn’t learn anything from his 2004 one-year suspension for inciting a riot against some fans. But his actions show that he’s a cheap shot artist and a coward.

Michael J. Gorman

Whitestone, N.Y.


Artest never changes his stripes. Which is exactly what he should be wearing.

Paul McGuire

Canyon Country


If there’s anyone out there who believes Metta World Peace’s statement that his flagrant elbow to James Harden was unintentional, I’d like you to take a look at some oceanfront property in Nebraska I’m trying to unload!

Jack Wolf

Los Angeles


When you are involved in one of the two most violent acts in NBA history, the insanity at Auburn Hills (the other being Kermit Washington-Rudy Tomjanovich), it is inconceivable that Mr. World Peace would be allowed to participate in an NBA game after witnessing the deliberate elbow to Harden. Hard to watch, harder to understand.

Marcelo Barreiro

Manhattan Beach


David Stern is acting like his usual incompetent self when he publicly states that a player’s reputation will determine whether or not there is going to be punishment for flagrant and harmful fouls. So now we get it. Dwyane Wade didn’t serve any time for breaking Kobe’s nose and giving him a concussion because he is Dwyane Wade, but Metta World Peace gets seven games for his idiotic elbow to the head of Harden because he is Ron Artest.

Dave Moore

Santa Ana


If Joe Blow sucker-elbows an opponent to the head during a playground pickup game, the cops are called and he is arrested for felony battery.

John Cressy



I’m with Bill Plaschke [“Penalty Doesn’t Fit the Crime,” April 25] and this is even taking into consideration Metta World Peace has acted like a gentleman since the incident, accepted blame and seems genuinely remorseful and apologetic.

However, consider the sanctions leveled by the NCAA against USC; well deserved and justified based not only on the offense but years of similar transgressions by the school. Yet, in the USC case, no life was endangered, a flagrant punch wasn’t thrown. A naive young player simply tried to do something nice for his parents.

But school officials looked the other way and USC was finally nailed for years of such transgressions. They got what they deserved. Metta World Peace did not!

At the very least he should have been suspended for several games into next season, this season’s playoffs notwithstanding.

Michael Solomon

Canoga Park


The most deplorable moment at Sunday’s Lakers-Thunder game wasn’t the vicious assault on James Harden. It was the applause Metta World Punk received from Lakers fans as he was leaving the floor. As T.J. Simers noted, the Lakers are fast becoming the most unlikable franchise in sports. In addition to Ron Arrest, there’s Kobe the Narcissist, Pau the Crybaby and Peter Pan Bynum, the 24-year-old who won’t grow up. Add to the mix the callous treatment of Derek Fisher by management and I’m singing “I Hate L.A.” Let’s go, Denver!

Gary H. Miller


The Blake Show

So Blake Griffin is crying about hard fouls around the head. Funny, I didn’t hear Pau Gasol whimpering about the elbow you threw to his head. As for those illegal dunks you’re cheating to throw down, we in Laker Nation call that being “Poser-ized.” How about you save the hypocritical whining for when you’re booted from the first round of the playoffs?

William David Stone

Beverly Hills


Blake Griffin can dish it out but can’t take it. He uses his elbows, knees and even his head against his opponents, then flails like a flounder out of water. What players can’t take is that little smirk of his after a foul is called against the opponent.

Joseph Madrigal

La Mirada

Play them

So tell me, what did Devin Ebanks and Jordan Hill do against Oklahoma City that they couldn’t have done weeks (and in Devin’s case, months) ago?

If Mike Brown would have brought those two players along slowly from the start by giving them minutes and real game experience it would have bolstered their confidence and supplied the Lakers with something they’ve clearly lacked from the beginning of the season: namely youth, depth and scoring punch off the bench.

My contention all along has been that there’s been too much whimsy with Coach Brown when it comes down to his rotations. Now let’s see if this newfound wisdom on Mike’s part extends to someone else he soured on months ago — the only good outside shooter they have on the pine — Andrew Goudelock.

I doubt it.

Clifford Burton

Los Angeles

Fallen Angels

In a recent story, Mike Scioscia said he needs to give more at-bats to veteran Bobby Abreu. General Manager Jerry Dipoto has said he knows triple-A outfielder Mike Trout can deliver and that when there is an everyday position for him to impact the club, that’s when he’ll be here.

So why not bring up Mike Trout, just as they did Peter Bourjos, give him the Bobby Abreu at-bats so he can experience more big league pitching sooner and at the same time provide more speed in the outfield and on the bases? Wouldn’t that impact the club? Or is waiting three weeks for each Abreu RBI a better idea?

Tom Hoerber



Maybe it’s time to face facts, the Angels’ coaching staff has to be replaced. Mike Butcher is a joke, Mickey Hatcher is no longer a joke, just pathetic, and Mike Scioscia is lost. It just goes to show how good the coaching staff was on that 2002 team. Bud Black, Joe Maddon, Ron Roenicke, Bobby Ramos. A manager is usually only as good as the people surrounding him.

Jeff White



Mickey Hatcher would be a great pitching coach. He can make anyone look like Cy Young.

Dave De Heras

Santa Barbara

New ownership

Mark Walter wants the Dodgers organization to be “a pillar in the community” in L.A. Sorry, Mark, one of your pillars is rotten to its core. Do you know what Frank McCourt calls a “low-key decent guy?” Lunch.

Kirk Hulstrom

Los Angeles


One advantage of a game that has a small crowd should be that lines are shorter; but no, the Dodgers shut down parking gates and concession stands so you still spend half the night standing in line. They advertise a “family” atmosphere and Nancy Bea on the keyboards, yet you go to the game and you get thumping drums, rap music and AC/DC so loud that you can’t hear yourself think. They should have an “aspirin night” to kill the headache they give you. The list goes on and on.

It does not take “magic” to treat your customers well, yet the Dodgers don’t seem to get it.

Craig Poletti

San Dimas


How in the world is Matt Kemp going to steal 50 bases if he keeps hitting home runs?

Rick Henderson


Verdict is in

It really does not matter if Roger Clemens is found not guilty or guilty of lying to Congress. His legacy is already written. We needn’t worry if he, Barry Bonds, Rafael Palmeiro, Mark McGwire,A-Rod and the other 84 named players ever make it into the Hall of Fame. They won’t and rightly so.

As far as the believability of Brian McNamee is concerned, there is no question that he’s a liar and cheat. Look who he hangs out with; Roger Clemens, Andy Pettitte, Barry Bonds and most probably the other 84. Liars and cheaters all.

The really amazing result in all of this is that Jose Canseco was telling the truth.

Chuck Rinaldi

Huntington Beach

Court issues

Ben Howland needs to demonstrate some caution with his latest recruit: make sure that Josh Smith and Tony Parker don’t sit on the same side of the bus.

Don Geller



Is there any chance Sports Illustrated can run a story blasting USC’s basketball program soKevin O’Neill can get some help with his recruiting?

Bennett Tramer

Santa Monica

The L.A. Vikings?

I had a nightmare that I was dressed in purple and was cheering on Frantic Fran Tarkenton during one of his runs and applauding when in the crucial 1974 NFL playoff game Tom Mack was flagged for moving on the one-yard line even though I felt guilty because I could see Alan Page moved but not Mack. Thank goodness I woke up.

To even think I would cheer for the Vikings is ridiculous.

Earl Roth

Oak Park

Ice guys

I must take issue with Alex Fernandez’s comment [Viewpoint, April 21] that “Hockey is a sport played by truly talented thugs.” It may be a common perception, but as in society at large, 5% of the players actually cause 90% of the problems. The NHL has certainly not done enough to discipline poor behavior on the ice and Commissioner Gary Bettman has no one to blame but himself for continuing to promote violence over skill. But believing that any “‘thug” could just strap on a pair of skates and compete with the best athletes in the world is laughable.

Andrew Mackinney



Is there any current L.A. sports personality more deserving of a championship ring than Kings announcer Bob Miller? Come on, boys, win one for Bob!

Joe Bucz

Redondo Beach


A friendly word of advice to columnists Plaschke, Simers and Dwyre: Use caution when attempting to jump on the Kings’ playoff bandwagon.

Avery Guglielmo

Culver City


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