
Indiana WR Isaac Griffith in critical condition after water accident

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Indiana University receiver Isaac Griffith was in critical condition Tuesday after what his father described as “a water accident involving a rip current.”

Shannon Griffith, who is football coach at Div. III Manchester, tweeted Monday night that he and his wife were flying from Indiana to a Florida hospital to be with their 19-year-old son, whom he said was in a medically induced coma “to allow his lungs to heal.”

My family needs all the prayers we can for our son Isaac who is in critical condition following a water accident involving a rip current— Shannon Griffith (@MUCoachGriff) March 18, 2014


My wife and I are boarding a plane to Sarasota to be by his side our faith in God is our strength. His condition is Stable but— Shannon Griffith (@MUCoachGriff) March 18, 2014

Still critical at this point in a medically induced coma to allow his lungs to heal other burials are positive at this time— Shannon Griffith (@MUCoachGriff) March 18, 2014

On Tuesday morning Shannon Griffith tweeted some encouraging news.

My wife, Kim, and I have been at Isaac’s bedside since 2 AM we are encouraged with his progress in ICU but we have small battles to face and— Shannon Griffith (@MUCoachGriff) March 18, 2014


are asking for your thoughts and prayers. We have great care surrounding him, we have placed this battle in God’s, and we look for the— Shannon Griffith (@MUCoachGriff) March 18, 2014

Small battles he has over come. His vitals are stable but we still need for continue prayer for his lungs.— Shannon Griffith (@MUCoachGriff) March 18, 2014

Issac Griffith set numerous school records at Homestead High in Fort Wayne, Ind., including for career receptions (119), yards (2,453) and touchdowns (37) and single-season points (162) and receiving touchdowns (22).


He redshirted the 2013 season with the Hoosiers.
