
Rex Ryan gets a warning after he allegedly causes three-car pileup

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Rex Ryan is OK.

No one was injured in the three-car pileup that allegedly started when the New York Jets coach’s Ford Mustang collided with another vehicle in Bethlehem, Pa., last week.

Obviously that is wonderful news and by far the most important aspect of this story. But I’m sure I’m not the only one who wants to say this to Ryan:

Come on, man!

We all know that you are your own man, march to your own drummer and all that. There’s the whole potty-mouth thing, the boastful predictions, the ridiculous tattoo, the infuriating loyalty to a struggling quarterback an entire city wants benched, and on and on.


We get it -- you’re one cool dude.

But you think it might be time to grow up? First you get to keep your job after consecutive non-playoff seasons -- how often does that happen these days in the NFL?

And now there’s this, something far more serious. According to the police report, Ryan admitted to running a red light but denied that he was speeding before rear-ending another vehicle. He was let off with a warning and no citation, although the incident is still under investigation.

Hear that, Rex? A warning. You might want to heed it.



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