
WWE No Mercy results: Brock Lesnar defeats Braun Strowman, Roman Reigns beats John Cena

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WWE’s latest pay-per-view, “No Mercy”, took place Sunday night at Staples Center. Here are the results.

Elias d. Apollo Crews

The crowd looks forward to Elias singing, then he just sort of plods through the match and gets no reaction. He won with the Drift Away.


The Miz d. Jason Jordan to retain the Intercontinental title

Jordan is really impressive in the ring, but not one person is buying into the whole “Kurt Angle’s son” storyline, and they desperately need to turn him heel. The crowd was solidly behind The Miz, who was dominated throughout the match. Jordan had Miz on the run when Bo Dallas distracted him. Jordan threw him off the top rope, and the ref was tending to Dallas, allowing Curtis Axel to punch Jordan. Miz followed up with the Skull Crushing Finale for the win.

Before the show, Miz sat down for an interview with Hannah Mitchell (daughter of Times assistant sports editor Houston Mitchell).


Q. Congratulations for your wife having a baby! Do you know if it’s a boy or girl and are you ready for a huge change in your life?

A: We don’t know yet. Only 12 weeks in, so it’s too early, but we’re going to find out pretty soon. I’m a little nervous. There’s a whole lot of emotions going through me. Excited, happy, scared, nervous. I’ve never done this before, being a father, so it’s going to be a whole new life for me, and for my wife.

Q: I have to talk about the Miz TV segment you did with the Ball family. It looked like you had to use all your skills to keep that whole segment from becoming a train wreck. What were you thinking when Lavar Ball took off his shirt and all that was happening in the ring?


A: All of my skills. I had no idea he was going to do that. I don’t think he even knew he was going to do that. Sometime Lavar Ball is going to do what Lavar Ball is going to do, and you need to be there to direct the train. No matter what it is going to go off the tracks, but you kind of direct it to where it is going to be a happy chaos if you will. Honestly, he created a lot of buzz, and that is what Miz TV is all about, being must see, being talked about and that’s exactly what happened. Lavar Ball knows how to grab a microphone and have people talking the next day, and that’s exactly what he did. Lonzo is more of a quiet person, more reserved, which I was impressed with. Hopefully he will be able to get rid of all the riff raff and all the noise around him and be able to focus to leading the Lakers to becoming a team that will be a threat in the future.

Q: I’ve read interviews of yours where you talk about how difficult your first few years in WWE were. Other wrestlers didn’t like you, ignored you or worse. It sounds a lot like high school, which I am in now. Do you have any advice for high school students who have a hard time fitting in?

A: Just stick with it. There were times in WWE when I wanted to quit. I didn’t want to go to practice, I didn’t want to go anywhere. But I kept going. Because I knew what I wanted and I knew if I went and kept working that they would finally respect me. And a long time went by, and it felt like it was never going to happen, but in the end they respected me. Now I am one of the veterans in the locker room and I surpassed all those people that said I was never going to make it. Those people are gone. I’m still here. As long as you are true to yourself, then you can never lose.

Q: You’ve main evented WrestleMania, starred in movies, been on reality TV. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

A: If you had told me 10 years ago that I would be right here, well, you could have fooled me. I’ve been a WWE champion, I’ve done everything. I never expected any of this. I just kept working hard and things kept coming in my path. I’ll always work hard and I’ll keep doing things as long as I have fun. So 10 years from now, if I’m sill having fun doing WWE, I’ll be right here. With a walker, but here.

Q: How much fun has it been to have your wife by your side the last few months?

A: It’s the best time I have had in WWE. Any time you can have the person that you love standing in your corner supporting you, you win. And you kind of want to show off. Sometimes I’d say “Well I’m going to show off for my wife today.” It gives me an added bonus.


Q: When will WWE wise up and put you back in the main event?

A: I’ve been telling then that from Day One. I’ll just keep doing what I’m doing and showing them that I am main event talent and sooner or later it will happen.

Q: Who would you want to induct you into the WWE Hall of Fame?

A: My wife, of course. Wouldn’t that be nice, to have my wife out there with her little French accent inducting me. That would be amazing. To just be talked about to be in the Hall of Fame leaves me speechless, because all of my heroes went on to be in the Hall of Fame.

Finn Balor d. Bray Wyatt

Before the match started, Wyatt gave Balor a sidewalk slam onto the Spanish announce table. Balor sold that his ribs were injured and was helped to the back by officials. Wyatt called him a coward, so Balor came back to the ring. Good back and forth match, with Balor winning with the Coup de Grace. Felt like a momentum building win for Balor.

Dean Ambrose and Seth Rolling d. Sheamus and Cesaro to retain the Raw Tag Team title

It looked like Cesaro lost some teeth when he went mouth first into the ring post. Good back and forth match. Sheamus went to give Ambrose the Brogue Kick, but Ambrose moved and Sheamus kicked Cesaro by accident. Ambrose hit Sheamus with Dirty Deeds for the pin.

Alexa Bliss d. Nia Jax, Bayley, Sasha Banks and Emma to retain the Raw Women’s title


Pretty good match. Bliss pinned Bayley after a DDT for the win. WWE had really, really missed the boat with Bayley, who should be one of their top starts, especially among girls.

Roman Reigns d. John Cena

Best match of the night. Crowd was really up for it. Reigns kicked out of four Attitude Adjustments, including one from the middle rope. He then won after a Superman punch and a spear. Cena raised his hand after the match.

Enzo Amore d. Neville for the Cruiserweight title

Someone will have to explain this whole Amore push to me. They book him as a complete joke. Neville dominated him the entire match. While the ref was distracted, Enzo kicked Neville low and pinned him.

Brock Lesnar d. Braun Strowman to retain the WWE Universal title


Disappointing match. Lesnar kicked out of the powerslam. Lesnar gave Strowman five german suplexes and hit and F-5 for the pin. Crowd was not ready for that to be the finish.

Twitter: @latimeshouston
