
Letters: Anything new with the Lakers?

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Well, at least the Lakers went out graciously.

Andrew Sacks



When two Lakers are walking off the court, and the one who is shirtless and has been ejected for an immature, violent foul that would make a WWE actor blush is not Ron Artest, your team and league are in trouble.

Siena Nastri

Los Angeles


The Mavericks dominated so completely while quickly eliminating their opponent with precision in the NBA Western Conference semifinals, the only question left is whether or not President Obama will release any gruesome photos of the Lakers’ championship aspirations.

Richard Turnage



Phil told us at the beginning of this season that this would be his “Last Stand.” Was he sending us a Zen message that he would be Custer?


David Waldowski

Alta Loma


It was difficult finding that vaunted switch to flip when the Lakers seemingly lost their way playing in the dark.

Julie Chang

West Hills


Now that the Lakers are out of contention for another NBA title, I was wondering who the L.A. fans are going to miss seeing until next season; the two Lakers thugs with their shameless display of poor sportsmanship in Dallas or the thugs outside of Staples Center who always seem to appear after a championship win and who destroy the surrounding neighborhood ?

Art Hernandez

San Dimas


Perhaps the saddest part of the Lakers demise was watching Magic Johnson acting like he had been personally offended by their poor play. He called out Bynum and Odom, justifiably, but his recommendation to “blow it all up” was thoughtless and embarrassing. Imagine if Jerry Buss had “blown it all up” after Magic’s Lakers were swept out by Moses Malone and his 76ers in 1983, threw the series away to the Celtics in 1984, or were astonishingly taken down in five by the Houston Rockets in 1986!


Frank Shapiro



Magic should be the last guy criticizing on court behavior during the playoffs. Nobody in Los Angeles is proud of the sportsmanship shown late in Game 4 by Andrew Bynum and Lamar Odom but we weren’t too thrilled either when Earvin planted a kiss on Isiah Thomas seconds before tipoff of an NBA Finals against the Pistons.

Larry Yells

Hermosa Beach


Shame on you guys. You lose miserably four straight to a better team and all you can do is act out and embarrass your team, yourselves, and the game.

Andrew, there is nothing “manly” about your foul or your apology. Ron, you really haven’t come very far from your Indianapolis days, have you? Lamar, maybe you should spend some more time on your reality TV show with Khloe.


Stephen Cooper

Hidden Hills


I’ll admit that I don’t understand pro basketball, but when a college basketball team tanks, they fire the coach. How come when the Lakers tank, Phil Jackson goes off with high praise?

Martin A. Brower

Corona del Mar


Phil Jackson owes a Lakers a great deal for their performance in Game 4. With their complete lack of effort and classless response they made it exceptionally easy for Phil to say goodbye.

Bruce Kahn



Now that Phil gets to enjoy his well-deserved retirement, the Lakers can quit drafting the tall (slow) guards that Phil favored and get a small (fast) guard who can get into the lane to either feed one of the bigs or finish at the rim (see Chris Paul/Jose Barea).

Also scrap the triangle, since Kobe doesn’t run it anyway. As long as Kobe is on the Lakers there will always be “trust” issues.

Russell Hosaka



Coach Jackson, I’m speaking for every Lakers fan when I say that you deserve a better sendoff. Give us one more year, and we will give you one more ring.

Tamra Donald



If we learned anything from all the years watching Phil Jackson, it’s don’t panic. Lakers fans should take this to heart and stop running around like the sky is falling. A few referee calls here and few bounces of the ball there and the Dallas series easily could have been tied or better. The Lakers have three or four of the most skilled players in the league and will come into next year with a hunger that they haven’t had in years.


Amanda Metalsky

Redondo Beach


Phil Jackson won the most NBA championships of any coach in league history and his five titles in Los Angeles are the most by any Lakers coach. He did it all with a slightly lopsided grin, some Zen philosophy, and an extensive knowledge of the game and what it takes to win. His mentor, Red Holzman, laid the foundation for him and Jackson took it to another level. Sure, he had great players along the way, but he was always able to mold them into a cohesive team. Let’s face it, anyone who can coach Dennis Rodman has got to know what he’s doing. We were lucky to have Jackson here. Every true Lakers fan should wish him the best.

Charles Reilly

Manhattan Beach


Watching Phil Jackson’s bemused assessment of himself and the Lakers after the game, I was shocked again at how little he said about the gruesome behavior of several of his players. No apology, no hint that he had any responsibility. Secure in the 11 success stories on his trophy shelf, maybe Jackson in his retirement will be haunted by a single huge failure — how to teach young athletes to lose like men.

James Kelty



After 15 seasons and a Hall of Fame career, it’s time to ask The Question: Is Kobe Bryant the problem or the solution?

Mike Gamboa

Buena Park


Bynum said he didn’t care about being fined and suspended for the first five games next season; he planned on being injured during that time anyway.

Tyler Drohan



Andrew Bynum took a big load off of Kermit Washington!

Marc Popkin

Los Angeles


I thought Andrew Bynum showed quite a bit of respect Sunday. He showed great respect to the Lakers’ name by ripping the jersey from his body so not to bring it into the awful place he chose to visit.

Alex Zims

Beverly Hills


In the newly released edition of Webster’s Dictionary the word “soft” has been redefined as: “The inability to score or get post position while being guarded by Dirk Nowitzki.”


Ray McKown

Los Angeles


Given the long history of the Lakers’ soap opera (Shaq-Kobe, Kobe-Phil, Shaq-Phil, Phil-Jeanie, Artest-shrink, Odom-Kardashians) and the demise of the genre of soap operas in general, perhaps ABC will replace “All My Children” with “All My Lakers,” hire Mark Heisler as executive producer/head writer, and see if the newer “serial” will make as much money for ABC’s entertainment division as the Lakers’ NBA team did for ABC/ESPN Sports.

Howard Cohen

North Hills


Upon reading any advice in Bill Plaschke’s columns, one must first remember that this is a UCLA football town now.

And my advice for the Lakers is two words: Jerry Sloan.

Mark Lass

Woodland Hills


It is generally accepted that our long-term memory endures better than our short-term memory. The Times’ own Bill Plaschke is a notable exception. He can only remember what happened yesterday.

Jay S. Berger



After reading the sports section this season, I think the masthead of the Sports section should be changed to “Lakers” and the section should have two parts. Part one titled “Lakers”, part two titled “Everything Else.”

I would rather read about high school sports that show the spirit of sportsmanship than the antics of overpaid whiners and slackers.

Richard Rorex

Apple Valley


Well, at least this series answered one question: What would happen if for the first time in his career, Phil Jackson had anything less than the best talent in the game? Answer: a whimpering second round exit, with his team looking like it has never heard the phrase “pick and roll” in their lives.


Michael Judson



Memo to Dr. Buss: Please fire whoever designed the defense that makes the weak side defender play halfway to the paint, preventing him from covering the corner three-point shooter. My 94-year-old mother could shoot like Jason Terry if left as wide open as he was.

Richard Raffalow

Valley Glen


There is quite a difference in how high the bar is set for our L.A. teams. For the Lakers, it’s a failure if they don’t make the finals. For the Dodgers, it’s a success if they make May payroll.

John Thompson



Never overestimate the heart of a champion.

Rich Hom



Now that I have some free time, when do the NHL playoffs start and are the Kings and/or Ducks in them?

Ron Gonzalez

Diamond Bar

Goodbye, Seve

Today I felt so sad. I lost a friend and golf lost a champion. In 1988 I played in the L.A Open pro-am at Riviera Country Club. On Wednesday morning Seve Ballesteros teed it up with Ernie Banks and I; 1,000 spectators, watching two of the greatest ball strikers of all time. I was so nervous, having to follow Seve and Ernie off the tee. That day was so special. Seve was everything you ever heard about him, a great shotmaker, champion, ingratiating, and even a teacher.

That day I was touched by history, a champion and fine person. I felt the warmth, generosity and the spirit of Seve. And now feel sad as I share these thoughts and memories of a very special man, one whose character, inspiration and love of the game has touched so many. He left a great legacy and I will miss him.


Howard Mann

Sherman Oaks

Tight’s out

I see that tight end Morrell Presley is going to transfer to another college.

While at UCLA, Morrell was suspended for one game for violating a team rule, he was academically ineligible to play in the EagleBank Bowl, and he was suspended for one game after testing positive for drugs.

Boy, he’s going to be missed.

John Paul White


It’s time …

I feel the McCourts are making the suspense too much to bear. Please, Frank, get it over with, just fire Vin Scully. That would really cement your legacy.

Marcelo Barreiro

Manhattan Beach


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