
Zoo’s Groundhog Ready for Traditional Forecast


Today, all eyes at the Santa Ana Zoo are on B. J., the only groundhog in a Southern California zoo.

On Groundhog Day, Feb. 2, so the story goes, if the groundhog, like his famous counterpart, Punxsutawney Phil in Pennsylvania, emerges from his burrow and sees his shadow, winter will continue for six more weeks.

B. J., named Baby Jackson by the folks who donated him to the zoo nine years ago, has been a bit under the weather recently, but keepers said he was feeling fine Friday.


Zoo Director Claudia Collier, asked Friday to predict the woodchuck’s prognostication, said, “Well, if it’s a nice day like it is today, he’ll see his shadow.”

The zoo is in Prentice Park, near the Santa Ana Freeway and East 1st Street. It is open from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m.; tickets are sold until 4. Admission is $1 for adults, 50 cents for senior citizens and children 3 to 12. Younger children and the handicapped are admitted free.
