
Loyola Plays Gonzaga at Spokane Tonight

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Loyola Marymount will play the Northwest portion of its West Coast Athletic Conference basketball schedule with games against Gonzaga at Spokane, Wash., tonight and at Portland Saturday night.

The Lions (8-6) are tied for first in the WCAC with St. Mary’s and Pepperdine at 2-0. Gonzaga (10-5) and Portland (1-14) are both 1-1 in the conference.

Loyola continues to lead the nation in scoring with an average of 113 points a game, behind its high-scoring trio of Hank Gathers, 33.9 points; Jeff Fryer, 23.8, and Enoch Simmons, 20.6.


Gonzaga is 5-1 at home but has a thin lineup without center Paul Verret, who broke an ankle recently. Guards Doug Spradley and Jim McPhee carry the load, combining for an average of 40 points a game.
