
The handwriting examiner who concluded that Pete...

The handwriting examiner who concluded that Pete Rose’s writing is on three betting sheets, disagrees with Rose’s contention that there is no way to determine whether the handwriting is a forgery.

The three sheets include an indication that bets were made on Cincinnati Reds’ games, and were cited by baseball investigator John M. Dowd as a key piece of evidence that Rose had bet on the Reds.

In Rose’s authorized biography, author Roger Kahn contends there is no way to tell whether the printing on the three sheets is Rose’s because the FBI smudged the sheets while testing for fingerprints.


Richard Casey, a retired FBI handwriting expert who was hired by Dowd to study the sheets, disagreed. Casey studied photocopies of the sheets with a microscope and concluded it was Rose’s writing. He said examiners often base conclusions on photocopies.
