
Pet Owners Warned About Holiday Noise

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Animal shelter workers have some advice for pet owners over the holiday weekend--don’t leave your pet alone when fireworks are exploding.

Most pets, they say, are extremely frightened of such large noises, and are in danger of running away or being seriously injured trying to escape the noise.

“Animals don’t understand holidays,” said Eileen Pinder, manager of the Orange County Humane Society’s animal shelter. “They think the world’s coming to an end. Some of them even try to go through sliding glass doors because they’re so afraid.”


Pinder said the lost dog and cat population at animal shelters rises significantly after holidays with loud celebrations, such as Independence Day and New Year’s Eve.

She suggests keeping pets indoors if possible, or having a veterinarian prescribe a mild tranquilizer. If you cannot stay with your pet, arrange for someone to care for it for the evening.
