
Prep Basketball Tournament Stays in North


The state high school basketball tournament will not be coming to Southern California any time soon, the CIF council voted Friday in San Diego.

The CIF announced last spring that the tournament, which has been held in Northern California every year but one since 1981, would began alternating between north and south this season with the event scheduled for The Pond of Anaheim in 1997.

The council voted to table the rotation plan until section commissioners and a committee can review the playoff system. But the sentiment, said one official, is that it remain in the north for several more years. It will be held in Sacramento this season.


In other council news, the addition of a new wrestling weight class, 214 pounds, was passed unanimously and will go into effect this season.

The council voted down a proposal to allow 14-year-old students to play varsity football. Players must be at least 15 to play on the varsity.
