
Boy, 8, Dies After Attack by 2 Rottweilers in Oakland

<i> Associated Press</i>

Police questioned the owner of two Rottweilers who mauled to death an 8-year-old boy Wednesday.

John Young died about an hour after the attack, authorities said.

The boy had been playing with the two Rottweilers for the last two or three days in an East Oakland neighborhood, a resident told reporters. He apparently was mauled as a group of boys ran from the attacking dogs.

A woman neighbor said she heard a commotion and went out to find the dogs attacking the boy. She said she tried to shoo the dogs but they ignored her. Her husband then got a stick to swing at the dogs and they fled.


Police officers found the child, who had been bitten several times by the unleashed dogs, authorities said.

It was not known whether the district attorney would file charges against the owner. City law requires dogs to be on leashes.

Officers later cornered the dogs and shot them.
