
Notre Dame Offensive Line Has Its Own Bag Man


The Notre Dame High offensive line features several nicknames (“Lumberjack,” “Big Boy”) in keeping with the positions’ gruff and burly image.

But not tight end Joe Aragno, whose nickname comes directly from the baked goods department.

“We call him ‘Bag O’ Doughnuts,’ ” guard Craig Johnson said.


Paraclete football Coach Steve Hagerty, on Nicolet Middle School in Banning, the site of tonight’s Southern Section Division XI championship game: “When you’re Division XI, they don’t exactly reserve the Coliseum for you.”



Shaun Kaye, Notre Dame’s senior fullback, has regained his starting role after losing it to sophomore Travis Johnson for a stretch.

Kaye’s contributions are many, but mostly anonymous. For example, he routinely plays on the scout team, acting as the opposition’s tailback against Notre Dame’s starting defense. Such duties are usually carried out by reserves.


Notre Dame tailback Justin Fargas and Paraclete end Josh Foster are well into the college selection process.

Fargas said he will make an official visit to UCLA on Saturday and has tentative plans to officially visit USC on Jan. 10. He said he plans to visit Michigan but has not yet made plans with the Wolverines.

Foster, a 6-foot-7, 240-pound defensive end and tight end, has visits scheduled for Arizona State, Arizona and Vanderbilt.


Shane Brogdon isn’t overwhelmed by the hype surrounding Moorpark.

Then again, he’s from Texas, where football is king.

Brogdon, a linebacker and fullback, moved to California from Port Neches, Texas, in 1992, but he remembers what it was like.


“Football is the sport in Texas,” he said. “A lot of people would come to the game about 12 hours before it began, sometimes even in the morning. The crowds were a lot bigger. A lot more cheerleaders, too.”

Brogdon was impressed by the estimated crowd of 5,500 the Musketeers drew last week for a semifinal victory over Carpinteria.

“The community got into it,” said Brogdon, a senior. “The more they get involved, the more the team might benefit.”

Moorpark, which is playing for its first Division X championship, plays host to St. Monica on Saturday at 7:30 p.m.


Already headed for unfamiliar waters in its first championship game, Moorpark will be playing with unfamiliar equipment.

The Musketeers will use Wilson footballs, unlike the Rawlings balls they have used all season. Southern Section guidelines call for Wilson footballs in all title games, which the sporting goods company partially sponsors.


“I guess you’ve reached it big time when they change balls on you,” Moorpark offensive coordinator Jeff Dewey said.

The Musketeers were given one new football by the Southern Section on Monday, but Coach Ron Wilford bought four more.

“You want your team to get used to them throughout the week,” Wilford said. “They’re lighter and narrower.”
