
It’s No Time to Rewrite Herr-story


Either Robert Herr [Viewpoint, July 3] doesn’t have a daughter, wife, sister, mother, or any female friends, or he simply has no respect for them or women in general. Men who are confident in themselves and their athletic abilities don’t have the need to slam women and women’s sports.

I would think that since Michael Jordan, whom Mr. Herr surely respects, deemed Mia Hamm worthy enough to share a Gatorade commercial, perhaps Mr. Herr might rethink his misogynistic (look it up, Mr. Herr) opinions. I only hope he doesn’t have a son he can train to perpetuate the ignorance.



I am hoping that the chauvinistic comments from Robert Herr in last Saturday’s letters were either a total joke or he was bitter after being dumped recently. Separating women’s sports from the rest of the sports section is such a dated concept. What if we separated other athletes such as African-American athletes or Korean athletes and gave them their own section? How ridiculous does that sound? Please, Mr. Herr, you need to accept that women are here, play sports, write about sports, and even watch sports. Perhaps that tiny corner you speak of “where the female presence doesn’t intrude and annoy” is the rock you crawled out from under.




So if I’m reading Robert Herr’s proposal for a ‘Women’s Sports” section correctly, he is suggesting that coverage of women’s sports be separate but equal.

What a great concept! Wonder why nobody else ever thought of it.

TOM NESSINGER, North Hollywood


In regard to Mr. Herr’s lament about a longing for “one last, tiny corner of the world where the female presence doesn’t intrude or annoy,” may I suggest the restroom? There you can read your swimsuit issue of Sports Illustrated, and interact with females who are non-threatening, silent and non-competitive!



When will men realize that professional women provide an entertaining and often more pure form of sport? L.A. fans especially should realize that, in sports, bigger does not mean better (Shaq), and often better does not even mean better (Blue Crew). Sports is about teamwork and heart, something that men would actually see if they took the time to check out any women’s sporting event.



I agree with Robert Herr that the L.A. Times should have a separate section for women’s sports. However, you should combine it with a second section of Viewpoint that separates reasonably intelligent comments from moronic ones offered by people such as Mr. Herr.

