
Governor Was Right to Veto Exit Exam Bill


Re “State Ponders Delaying Exit Exams Due to Failures,” Oct. 1:

This year, the Legislature overwhelmingly approved SB 1408, a bill that would require schools with high failure rates on the exit exams to determine the reasons and develop specific plans to address problems. This bill was an exercise in futility, and the governor was right to veto it.

Failure to pass exit exams is an example of social problems for which local or state governments have no workable solutions.

My guess is that the final outcome to the problem of exit-exam failure is that the exit exams will be abolished or the passing grades lowered to the point where some arbitrary percentage of the students pass.


My impression is that many of the problems we see are caused by the large number of immigrants, both legal and illegal, and as only the federal government can control immigration, the federal government should reimburse state and local governments 100% of the cost of burdens caused by immigration.

Kenneth L. Perry

Newport Beach
